Weekly Timetable
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
Gym (Mens) 10am-1pm |
Gym (Mens) 10am-1pm |
Gym (Mens) 10am-1pm |
Gym (Mens) 10am-1pm
Kirtan Class (Womens) 10.30am-11.30am |
Gym (Mens) 10am-1pm |
Kids Football tba
Gatka Class 5pm-6pm |
Punjabi Class 10am - 12pm |
Gym (Mens) 5pm-8pm |
Gym (Womens) 5pm-8pm |
Gym (Mens) 5pm-8pm |
Gym (Womens) 5pm-8pm
Kirtan Class (Children) 4.30pm-6pm |
Gym (Mens) 5pm-8pm |
Kids Wrestling* 2pm-3.30pm
Wrestling* 3.30pm-5pm |
Wrestling 6pm-8pm |
Homework Club 6pm-7.30pm
Sikh History Class 7.30pm-8pm |
Wrestling 6pm-8pm |
Gurbani Class tba |
Simran (Children) 6.15pm-7.15pm
Sikh History Class 7.30pm-8pm |
Gym: Costs are £2 per session or £15 per month. There are a full range of facilities including cardiovascular, weight machines and free weights, as well as expert advice. Also, ladies only gym available. Located on first floor of new building.
Wrestling: Freestyle Olympic-style wrestling coaching available from professionally trained Olympic athletes. Located on ground floor of new building.
Homework Club: Designed to help children with homework etc. All parents/guardians welcome to assist with teaching. Professionally trained tuition also available at a cost of £2. Located in langar hall on ground floor of new building, and in classroom on first floor of new building.
Sikh History: Lessons and teachings on sikh history and sikhi. Located in Diwan Hall of main building.
Punjabi Class: Located in classroom on first floor of main building. All levels and ages welcome.
Kirtan Class: Learn to play Sikh musical instruments. Located in Diwan Hall on first floor of main building.
Gatka Class: Learn traditional gatka from experienced coach. Located on ground floor of new building.
*Wrestling class on Saturday only if there is no event or competition that day.
Calendar of Events
Vaisakhi Mela at West Park on Sunday 3rd May:
Nagar Kirtan departs from Cannock Road Gurdwara at 9am,
and arrives at West Park at 1pm
Vaisakhi Mela at West Park on Sunday 4th May:
Nagar Kirtan departs from Cannock Road Gurdwara at 9am,
and arrives at West Park at 1pm
Vaisakhi Mela at West Park on Sunday 5th May.
Monday 4th June to Friday 8th June: Sports Camp Week.
Sunday 3rd June: Sports Field Opening Ceremony commences at 12pm.
Sunday 29th April: Vaisakhi Mela at West Park. No Nagar Kirtan this year.
Sunday 19th February: Careers Fair at 2pm.